The other Awards Obama will will this year...
Quote:Yes, because of the IPCC and Al Gore the horrors of the eco-wars were averted. :wacko: Which is why ecology and peace are obviously linked.
They gave one to Norman Borlaug for his work in preventing hunger, which isn't "peace" either - until you consider the likelihood of severe conflicts arising from mass starvation. If climate change is not at least strongly mitigated, the shifts in land usage and sea level alone would create an enormous refugee problem - one which would all but inevitably lead to bloodshed.

So, yes. Peace.

Quote:More to the point -- my objection (which I think we've discussed also) to Al Gore is that he is a snake oil salesman hoping to get rich by being party to the agencies that sell eco-indulgences to the politically correct masses who will need to pay for their pollution (like exhaling CO2).
Uh hunh. Nevermind that what he's "selling" he's been "selling" since long before it was going to make him a nickel. Nevermind that what he says is pretty much exactly what the IPCC says, what almost the entire field of climatology has said.

Al Gore's political record as an environmentalist starts in the seventies. But I guess in your world he's just been waxing his mustache and cackling madly ever since, waiting *decades* for his snake oil recipe to finally pay off.

Quote:I would rather we focus on removing the SIN of pollution, rather than selling forgiveness.
So would Al Gore. Your point?

Quote:I think the Rancor was also released because of the inconvenient half truths, outright exaggerations, and misinterpretations presented as "science" -- like any good propaganda... it's mostly based on some truth... at least the truth he wanted you to know about.
The movie is relatively accurate, as far as anything in pop format is ever going to be on an absurdly complex topic like climate. It represented the state of climatology, and climatologists have said so. If *you* don't like it, that's fine and dandy, but that's hardly something that can be held against Al Gore. His information was more or less straight out of the IPCC textbook, the basic findings of the field, because that's who he got it from. Nothing's perfect, but the basic science - and therefore the basic message - about global warming is intact.


Afterthought: Also, could we quit with the "exhaling" garbage? That stuff might fly with Michelle Malkin, but anyone with half a wit in their heads can see that the quantity of CO2 produced by *breathing* is, to make the pun, breathtakingly tiny, and completely irrelevant to the problem?

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The other Awards Obama will will this year... - by Jester - 10-13-2009, 12:14 AM

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