10-10-2009, 04:17 PM
Monster placement is done generally in two different ways, they either autospawn with the settings defined in Levels.txt for a given map, or they are 'manually' placed at the *.ds1 files (the chunks of a map which are stitched together to generate the map).
The latter happens with all the SuperUnique monsters, so they spawn at a given point in a map; say, Hephaisto at the furnace, and it happens with some prepopulated spots, like the Fallen camps in Act1.
Thus if those monsters you've mentioned are neither spawned somewhere via Levels.txt settings nor prepopulated at certain spots via a *.ds1, they can't spawn despite not being disabled in MonStats. IIRC those which are disabled in MonStats are only those units which are seriously buggy; none or incomplete gfx, AI and so on.
Quote:Someone mailed me a list of monsters they don't think actually appear in the game. When I go to monstats though I don't see anything on those monsters that indicate that they're disabled? Anyone know for sure?there's ann awful lot of C&P in MonStats, just being not disabled there doesn't mean some of the guys are _enabled_.
Monster placement is done generally in two different ways, they either autospawn with the settings defined in Levels.txt for a given map, or they are 'manually' placed at the *.ds1 files (the chunks of a map which are stitched together to generate the map).
The latter happens with all the SuperUnique monsters, so they spawn at a given point in a map; say, Hephaisto at the furnace, and it happens with some prepopulated spots, like the Fallen camps in Act1.
Thus if those monsters you've mentioned are neither spawned somewhere via Levels.txt settings nor prepopulated at certain spots via a *.ds1, they can't spawn despite not being disabled in MonStats. IIRC those which are disabled in MonStats are only those units which are seriously buggy; none or incomplete gfx, AI and so on.