Quote:ps. On a sidenote, what did you think of the Watchmen comic vs movie. Specifically, the lack of you know what on the movie version.I thought the Watchmen movie was a very-good-but-not-quite-excellent rendition of the book. The places where it stumbled tended to be where it added pointlessly to the book (the extended edition is worse than the theatrical release for this.)
The Comedian and Rorschach were highlights from the acting standpoint. Silk Spectre and Ozymandias could have been better, but were generally adequate. The portrayal of Ozymandias was slightly off, but that was a scripting and directing issue more than a problem with the performance.
They were clearly reaching to find action beats to add to the movie, and this meant making the heroes seem a lot more "super" than they should have been. Ozymandias and Dr. Manhattan were as powerful as was appropriate, as was Rorschach, but Silk Spectre, the Comedian and Nite Owl were all a bit too superhero-y.
The Nixon impersonation was a major low point. I don't know what they were thinking, but it was very excessive. The introduction/credits set to Dylan were an unexpected high point - especially the obvious-in-retrospect answer to "Who killed JFK?"
The changes to the ending were acceptable, and in some sense, fit better than the original story. But I still prefer the original overall.
On the whole, it was a remarkable attempt to film the almost unfilmable, and ranks as one of the all-time best superhero movies. (Admittedly, this is a genre that has only blossomed very recently, except for a few classics like the original Superman.)
As to the "you know what", I'm afraid I don't know what. What?