Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying
Quote:It is noteworthy, and historic, but Obama is not a hero... Yet. To me the hero is someone who does something heroic. I don't find it particularly heroic to go spend other peoples money.

Since when has Heroism been a requirement for study? It's not Black Heroism Month. It's Black History Month. The implication you and others seem to be making is that because they are singing a song that the topic of the song must be in adulation. I don't feel that is an appropriate implication. I feel that the singing of the song is only a tool for learning much like I used to sing songs listing the presidents or the states in school.

Lets take my previous point a step further; If the children in the video were singing that song about Marcus Garvey instead would we see any outcry what-so-ever? Marcus Garvey is most certainly a viable historical figure worthy of study. He's also a character of questionable heroism, as you put it, thus if one were to feel that the singing of a song about him implied adulation then one could make the point that this adulation was entirely out of place and unwarranted. Not to mention that so-called "indoctrination" to the beliefs of Marcus Garvey would be much more alarming than anything they could sing about Obama. Would we see all this uproar if that were the case? My answer is an unequivical NO. It would have never made it on the TV. This uproar is less about any inherant malfeasance and more about just playing politics with anything you can get your hands on.

Edit: Not to mention the fact that 90% of these pundit pinheads wouldn't know who Marcus Garvey was in the first place.

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Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying - by Chesspiece_face - 09-27-2009, 08:44 AM

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