Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying
Quote:I'm astonished. It is downright amazing to me that in the US, people can seriously be put in jail for praying.
I am disappointed these guys don't even get their wrists slapped. (Thanks Pete for saving me time composing that part.)

I am even more disappointed in the following part of the article:

Quote:The case caught the attention of members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, including the caucus' founder, Rep. J. Randy Forbes, R-Virginia.

He and two other lawmakers, Rep. Mike McIntyre, D-North Carolina, and Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Florida, also members of the caucus, wrote a letter in support of the two school administrators, saying that "many of America's Founding Fathers were resolute in their faiths, and the impact of such is evident in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and many of their writings."
First of all, WhyTF does anyone need a "Congressional Prayer Caucus"?? Never mind, never mind, I've already heard the answer whenever I make the mistake of listening to Fox News. (An answer based on fear, ignorance and hatred, BTW, not a historically peaceful combination.)

And more importantly, have these frikkin roundheads ever actually read the Constitution?? Guess what guys!! God isn't in there! Nor is Jesus, nor "the Creator". They framers left God out, and obviously intended to leave God out, because to have put God in would be sanctioning a certain religious view.

The only mentions that come close are:
"Blessings of Liberty" -- sounds godly, but like "goodness" or "cleanliness" God is not necessary
"no religious test" -- like, for instance, thinking that the God of Abraham actually exists
"no establishment of religion" -- like forcing kids to say "under God" every morning
"free exercise thereof" -- this is the crux of the wafer so to speak. Let's focus on this one.

The principal and athletic director are free to bless their own meals, and to lead prayers in their own homes or churches, but not to invoke religion in a public school event where they are authorities.

Nobody is trouncing on their exercise of religion -- what is objectionable, and constitutionally illegal in a public school setting, is their trouncing on other people, including kids.

(BTW Pete's coward T. Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, also wrote his own Bible where the "mysticism" (e.g., miracles) was removed because TJ thought it was pure fiction! That's how "resolute" he was!)

And now I shall lead us in a song! Stand up. I SAID, stand up! NOW!

Quote:Yes indeed, here we are!
At Saint Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast
Where I stole the margarine
An' widdled on the Bingo Cards
in lieu of the latrine
(further lyrics not shown so that The Lounge is not criminal)

Anyone who did not sing along should report to detention. NOW!

Franklin Z. Appa School of Crockery

(edit: removed lyrics to respect copyright)
(edit: added TJ comment)

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Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying - by Vandiablo - 09-21-2009, 06:22 AM

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