09-14-2009, 09:11 PM
Quote:Unintentional thread necromancy aside...
I still can't believe that Forbidden Planet didn't make the original list. I mean, come on! The flying saucer was actually shown in flight, and even had a crew member whoose job title was "Quantum Mechanic". :)
It's been over fifty years since I watched Forbidden Planet, so I placed a hold on the DVD from the library. I had not remembered the saucer in flight. Surely there must be some World of Warcraft allusions in there somewhere.
Not quite on topic, I most recently got the Blu-ray of Serenity. Have not watched it yet, but I saw the DVD a couple of years ago. Of course I know Firefly class ships are not flying saucers, but I'll have to keep an eye out for saucers in the background.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."