07-23-2009, 12:54 AM
But Farcry...
You have to see it to believe it, so you can then thoroughly regret having seen it. It is even worse than BloodRayne, and few movies (using the term loosely) are even remotely as bad as that.
But it's SAM RAIMI!:)
take care
? There's a Farcry movie? Excuse me, let me clarify myself. There's a Dr. Uwe Boll movie of Farcry?
I think I know what my next double bill movie night will be. 'Alone In The Dark' and 'Farcry'. Or what will happen to me after I finished watching those 2 things. Hiyooo!
But enough on the good Dr. Boll. On the subject of Sam Raimi. To echo what Frag mentioned, spidey3 Raimi makes me feel hesitant. I really don't want to see an evil horde race character emoting their evilosity by way of an extended dance scene. The way that evil emo Peter Parker did that dance scene to show the corrupting influence of the symbiote. Because there's no better way to show audiences a character is obviously an evil dick than to, dance!
Just because there's technically dancing in WoW, and Spiderman can be argued to have a developed dancer's build, doesn't mean there has to be dancing. Or emo hair + dancing.
If Evil Dead and Spidey1 Raimi is hired however, there's probably a very good chance of seeing a fun movie at least.
In either case, yeah, most likely WoW t3h movie will still pull some big dough on opening weekend.