Best Article on Iran Election Process I've seen
Quote:Then why does the article you linked talk about China and Russia threatening the US if the US can't stop Israel from doing this that an the other thing.
Maybe they think that Israel is out of their control, and the only reasonable thing they can do is to warn the USA not to side with Israel? It was directed at Biden's statement that the USA would allow Israel to do anything they deemed necessary, as stated in the article.

Quote:Is your unbiased source (I read their disclaimer) not so unbiased?
I wouldn't know. Do they claim to be unbiased? Towards what?

It's not 'my source', btw. Just a view on the situation. I was mostly interested because of the threat from China, to stop their 'unfair' currency manipulations to support the American economy :lol:

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Best Article on Iran Election Process I've seen - by Zenda - 07-22-2009, 06:26 PM

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