07-20-2009, 09:57 PM
Quote:With all due respect to one of the great living physicists, Freeman Dyson giving his opinion on climate science is kind of like Steve Gould talking about the big bang. It's way, way out of his field.Which Steve Gould? But never mind, it doesn't matter. Dyson is a genius, his opinion on all subjects deserves serious consideration.
Quote:But, then, I suppose if you've constructed the idea in your head that this is some kind of religious issue for climate scientists, . . .The reason why many think climatologists are howler monkeys is because so many climatologists behave like howler monkeys. It's the old "if it walks like a duck . . . " reasoning -- and it's right more often than not.
Quote: . . . doesn't require a comprehensive analysis of the evidence.Nope. Just a good BS meter.
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?