07-17-2009, 12:16 PM
Quote:I don't worry too much usually, I am quite healthy, never took a vaccine and probably only got the flu once the last 15 years. Still, this flu is normal in the sense that it will spread to the whole globe and many people will get infected.....I don't see any possibility to prevent that. So if there would be a fatality rate of 1 % millions would die worldwide.
Fatality rate of 1%? YAWN. Even if the entire human race were infected, this wouldn't even dent the earth's population. The last time a disease did the kind of apocalyptic damage the fearmongers like to yap about was the Black Plague, hundreds of years ago.
Not that it's entirely a bad thing. Given the fact that the human population has grown far beyond this planet's ability to sustain it, such a plague could be the only chance we have of reining ourselves in. Human nature has proved time and time again to be more than capable of blocking any artificial attempts to mitigate the damage we're doing.