Yet another encroachment on our freedoms
Quote:dit: It seems that one possible project is also set to eat the lions share of the 70 billion. <blockquote> "The population of Cidra, PR is 38,000. The total they are scheduled to receive, including this project is about $18,546,035,000. That works out to almost $500,000 per person for one city."</blockquote>As a testament to how well thought out stimulus is by officials, the 4th ranked project in terms of importance is an animal shelter.
And I quote:

Quote:Below are the "shovel-ready" projects for which this city submitted in the 2008 U.S. Conference of Mayors report.
They *could* spend 18 billion dollars, if they got every insane thing their Mayor asked for. They are not *getting* 18 billion dollars.

This stuff is just stupid. I don't know if that's the site's fault, or if the Mayor of Cidra, Puerto Rico has a sick sense of humour, but one hundred million dollars to install security cameras in recreational facilities? Srsly.


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Yet another encroachment on our freedoms - by Jester - 06-27-2009, 12:09 AM

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