Best Article on Iran Election Process I've seen
Quote:I'd say an Iranian Gorbachev is needed, but I think yoiu may be indulging in a bit of wishful thinking. From your previous reply:

Nope, I mean Yeltsin, someone that can break the military's hold which is what Khameni/Ahmadaljin is doing. The Clerics are losing power to the military and they're not liking it.

Quote:The power elites, among whose number Rafsanjani is numbered, are not all that keen on letting loose of power. There are a lot of clerics who are also tied into money, finance, and business, sons of wealty families who went cleric ... perhaps for political reasons?

No, as I noted above, the Clerics are losing power to the Military (with Khameni using the Military to further his aims vs. that of the Clerics) and they're not happy, unless they're in Khameni's pocket (like the one Cleric talking about executing some of the protesters). This election has been a power play by the Clerics, led by Rafsanjani, to get power back to the Clerics.

Quote:Looks like Italy, 1500's, and the Medici popes.:P

One last thought: the amount of info that has make itself available is rather small, which frustrates me. However, that is how the govening powers want it.


Nah, I would say this is good old fashion dictatorship, divide and kill your opposition.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

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Best Article on Iran Election Process I've seen - by Lissa - 06-26-2009, 11:25 PM

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