Yet another encroachment on our freedoms
Quote:Some of those things do not seem to be true. The meetings were described as "weekly", and that the issues started when someone's car got dinged for a couple hundred bucks of damage. It's a good thing it's not relevant to your point. :)

Whether it's in a an area with many houses is tough to say, Bonita seems to be mostly rural, but it's not exactly the middle of nowhere either. Given that someone's car got damaged, though, it seems reasonable to assume that there are at least a few neighbors within striking distance.
The problem was made worse by government trying to solve a problem that should have been resolved between two adults having a dialog. Or, if reconciliation was not possible, then small claims court for the ding damages. It appears to me that the pastor has now advised his guests where they should park (on an adjacent property) as to not upset the neighbors. I'd say the pastors neighbor is getting very petty, and deserves to be ignored. If you live in the city, then get used to the traffic, and the notion of someone else living 30 feet away from you.

I have only ever been to small claims court once in my life (when I was renting), and the judge advised my landlord and I to take a moment, go in the hallway and try to resolve the dispute, which we did. When it comes to neighbors, it is worth noting that a little good will goes a long way. Being proactive with responsibility and friendliness helps.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Yet another encroachment on our freedoms - by kandrathe - 06-22-2009, 03:22 PM

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