06-12-2009, 08:53 PM
Quote:The Baby Bells of the Automotive Industry. Not the same I know but it just kinda popped into my head. :)No, that is appropriate. We tend to believe that in order to compete globally, we need megalithic corporations. What we end up with are virtual monopolies that "are too big for the government to allow to fail", which indicates a problem in and of itself. A way to resolve the housing crisis (after cleaning up the derivative loopholes) is to break up Fannie and Freddie into organizations that would be allowed to go bankrupt if they failed.
Quote:Of course I think if they had failed and not been federally interfered with in the failure that something like that may have come out of the bankruptcy court.In my Utopian world view, the government should lead with things like "going to the moon", and indicating a viable energy use policy. Having the government invested in the success of a company that is tied to the old transportation metaphor puts them in conflict with developing a transportation plan that is good for the people. To me it seems just wrong for the President to also be the Chairman of the Board of Government Motors.