05-30-2009, 07:25 PM
Quote:I guess I'm not very impressed by popinjays or their adoring fans.You don't have to be impressed on a personal level to understand the magnitude of what took place, and what it means for arguments that the little guy's voice is simply not heard in politics. I wasn't impressed at all by Clinton, and I'm still not. I outright despise Reagan, and his theatrics disgust me. Kennedy underwhelms me, and Carter impresses me. Go figure.
Quote:And, generally, I agree with you, he talks a talk that he cannot walk, either because it is not thought through, or that either his or the opposition party will kill it before it leaves infancy. Change sounds good, until you get to the details when the devil pops out.Obama hasn't put too many feet wrong yet, the only question is whether he is going to spend the rest of his presidency tiptoeing. He talks big change, but seems generally satisfied with a change in style, or small tweaks, rather than a major overahaul. Of course, anyone familiar with his record, rather than the fantasies of one side (He's going to bring the change we've been waiting for to Washington!) or the other (He's going to push forward a Marxio-Fasciso-Islamo-Hippie agenda!) would have expected nothing else. He is, and pretty much always has been, a careful centrist with a Reaganesque gift for inspiration.
Quote:Btw, I'm not actually a huge Ron Paul fan.Not necessarily saying you are, but he is the big public prophet of the fiscal disaster you're warning about.
Quote:Put some of Ron Paul's philosophies into an Obama delivery vehicle, and things might get more interesting.I think it was called "Ross Perot." ;)
... yes, that was a joke.