Yet another encroachment on our freedoms

It's FOXNEWS. It's entertaining as long as we keep a few things in mind.

1) When FOXNEWS uses wirenews services or other articles from other sources, there's at least a chance of some veracity. When they have to do their own work, they don't outright lie. But they do become unintended comedy. If taken too seriously, it can become a tragedy. Like a drunk driving clown car accident.

2) They're 'interesting' in the same way PRAVDA is interesting, or at least entertaining.
Maybe not quite as funny or well written as say The Onion, but The Onion has advantages that FOXNEWS and PRAVDA don't. Mainly because The Onion can use swears, and The Onion knows it's writing satire. The last point is kinda iffy sometimes with FOXNEWS.

3) It's FOXNEWS. They once almost sued the FOX network for a Simpsons episode for their news ticker spoof.


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Yet another encroachment on our freedoms - by Hammerskjold - 05-29-2009, 11:51 PM

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