05-09-2009, 04:21 PM
This post contains no brains nor any live organic material...
Now they are coming. They will be here any moment now.
Now we all have to get our anti-undead tools out of storage.
Thanks. grrr. Thanks a lot.
We are doomed to be hunted all our lives, doomed to eventually succumb, doomed to search for brains for all eternity (or until somebody decapitates us).
All thanks to you.
Quote:Hi,Thought you were Pete for a moment...
Quote:...the Lounge is fairly 'brainy'...OH WAY TO GO, Jester.
Now they are coming. They will be here any moment now.
Now we all have to get our anti-undead tools out of storage.
Thanks. grrr. Thanks a lot.
Quote:I am condemned for eternity...Yes, just like the rest of us, now.
We are doomed to be hunted all our lives, doomed to eventually succumb, doomed to search for brains for all eternity (or until somebody decapitates us).
All thanks to you.