Should civilized nations use "Enhanced Interrogation" techni

Your still dodging the bigger question; what is our objective? Without that bit of info, how do we know if we're even on the right road?

Quote:What justified the embargo in the first place, . . .
Nothing that didn't also apply as much, or more, to many countries we didn't embargo. Other than the fact that Castro made a complete ass out of us by getting us to support his revolution and then saying, "Oh, and by the way boys, I'm a communist". The egg on our collective face was enough to feed the third world for a month.

Quote: . . . and what has ever changed?
Point to the USSR on a recent map. In the cold war, an advanced Soviet post was a threat. The only threat I see from Cuba is oral cancer from cigars.

Quote:What conditions have we placed on thawing relations with Cuba, are they reasonable, and have they done anything to try to meet our conditions? Has either Castro done anything AT ALL to make overtures to the US to try to ease the tensions between our nations?
Where do we get off placing conditions on Cuba in the first place? To protect ourself from Soviet missiles being brought into the country, yes. But that threat is no longer existent, and was made moot long ago by missile subs, MIRVs, and other technologies. So why keep it in place. Can we only normalize relations with countries that we've allowed to kick our ass?

The rest of what you say, well, lets be polite and say it is moot. For fifty years of doing something and not having it have the desired effect (or even making any progress toward that effect) would be, for most people, sufficient evidence of the stupidity if not insanity of that action.

Again, let's dispense with the morality, let's forget the pissing contests, let's just focus on the results. I'm Florentine, and Niccolo is one of my heroes -- nothing succeeds like success. So tell me. What are we trying to accomplish and how is this helping?

Because I still think that, with both torture and our behavior toward Cuba, not only are we doing wrong, we're doing badly. High cost, low benefit, is not, in my opinion, good policy.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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Should civilized nations use "Enhanced Interrogation" techni - by --Pete - 05-06-2009, 09:58 PM

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