05-04-2009, 10:05 PM
How are we forgoing any of these by trying to work together with out allies and, yes, even with our enemies? Because *they* may not follow those principles, does it mean we've given them up? Or do you think we can win them to our side with "our way or the highway" diplomacy?
Has it occurred to you that in diplomacy, you need to be diplomatic? Yeah, 'carry a big stick', but don't forget the 'speak softly part. After all, in spite of what many seem to think, geopolitics is not a WWF smack down. Large quantities of ignorant bluster does not allies make.
Quote:I would ask then what good are the "principles for which we stand", if we must forgo them in the attempt to out woo our opponents?Just which principles are you speaking of? The equality of mankind? Rule by law? Freedom of expression? Freedom of choice?
How are we forgoing any of these by trying to work together with out allies and, yes, even with our enemies? Because *they* may not follow those principles, does it mean we've given them up? Or do you think we can win them to our side with "our way or the highway" diplomacy?
Has it occurred to you that in diplomacy, you need to be diplomatic? Yeah, 'carry a big stick', but don't forget the 'speak softly part. After all, in spite of what many seem to think, geopolitics is not a WWF smack down. Large quantities of ignorant bluster does not allies make.
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?