Sometimes the stupidity of people makes me scream
Quote:Why oh why can't people do anything preventative anymore?
I assume you want to keep this job, because the primary leverage you have is to vote with your feet and find a new job.

So, I would suggest then;

1. Ask your manager if it would be alright if you brought in blue plastic tarps to cover your important stuff up when you are not there. Inform them of your allergy to mold.

2a. If they say yes, then suggest to all your coworkers that this is a great solution. This will get upper management's attention.

2b. If no, then remove any personal items from your office, including books or pictures, that might get damaged. It would be unfortunate if current project papers, including anything that is interoffice is placed below a leaky place, so cover everything with plastic sleeves. Your water problems need to become a corporate problem. The transfer of moldy, soggy, crinkled, and water stained memorandums will get upper management's attention, but might also indicate you were an idiot for being negligent.

3. No matter how annoyed you are, your external demeanor should be that you are amused by the water problems. Organize company activities around the problem, like, "Who can collect the most drip water contest", or "The most creative use of funnels and plastic hoses contest", or "The most illegible water soaked memo contest".

Good luck and let us know how it pans out. :)
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]


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Sometimes the stupidity of people makes me scream - by kandrathe - 04-21-2009, 04:09 PM

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