08-06-2009, 06:56 AM
Quote:Yes, many more might aspire to those ranks. But they don't count -- they end up being the shoe salesmen and cab drivers, or some other useful profession. It's not as if banning sports, movies, and rock and roll would cause the people that would have tried for those fields to become scientists and engineers. There is the question of aptitude, of interest. The fields you demonize are not drawing the intelligent people away from more useful careers.
I think they do count. This was my point to begin with when we talk about sports and pop stars. I think that people that try or aspire becoming one and fail will make less of their life compared to when their focus was different.
The other case about eg investment bankers is different. Here you have intelligent people that study hard and find a good job. However by becoming an investmentbanker the choose not te become a scientist or engineer but instead live of other people and bailouts.