04-01-2009, 11:54 PM
Quote:a further research at the Keep showed that the maximum of states allowed to be present at a unit is 27 (or 26). If that max is exceeded various glitches may happen, then basically the game is busted.
Interesting list! I had 16 of them active.
I found the cause however and it was not the maximum amount of states being exceeded, but more along the lines of your first hypothesis: I was using a Last Wish with a 6% chance to cast Slvl 11 Fade when struck. While this did provide 56 in resists, it apparently was not enough to save me. I didn't do the exact calculations of what my damage would be if Uber Mephisto hit me with my max resists and a Slvl 11 Fade, but my research on this is done; I feel vindicated. I now know why my Burst of Speed kept offsetting and am sure this is the reason I died in Ubers also.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin