03-31-2009, 03:10 PM
Quote:The tipping point has been reached here. The US government actively prevents people from becoming, or remaining wealthy.
How, then, is it possible that nearly half the world's billionaires are Americans? The world's wealthiest are, and for a century have been, American. You might not like how much the US government taxes income, but the notion that the government is "actively prevent[ing] people from becoming and remaining wealthy" is incorrect. The tax rates paid by wealthy Americans are lower than in nearly any comparable country.
Indeed, this concept is contradicted by your own previous argument, which you "echo whenever you can": how is the government preventing people from becoming and remaining wealthy, if the whole method by which this happens in a capitalist society (investment) is not subject to income taxation until the time of sale?
One might also point out that, whatever FDR's whims in private, the official rate never came close to 99.5% for over $100,000. I presume he was joking when he suggested it. The highest actual income tax ever passed was 79% for over $5 million, which applied to exactly one person: Rockefeller, who happens to be the inflation-adjusted richest man in history. Real income tax rates for almost everyone were very modest by modern standards.