03-18-2009, 05:28 AM
Yeah, we're all on the same page here, from what I can tell.
Right now, honestly, I'd use the HS-sub rotation on every boss I tank except Sarth+3 kills or Malygos25, just because I take so little damage already that I don't care if I get hit a bit more often. Oh, and I wouldn't use it on Loatheb10 because it is hilarious to block 100% of her physical damage and take so little damage over the course of the kill that I could go with zero heals.
I'm sure things will be different in Ulduar though, and then it'll be back to 969 for me unless off-tanking.
More choices = fun though. Its one reason I like pally tanking already. Tanking whelps/blazes on our first heroic sarth+3 kill last week and tanking the 3 drakes tonight on a whole bunch of near-kills in 10 man was the most fun I've had in a long time, so here's looking forward to hard modes in Ulduar.
Right now, honestly, I'd use the HS-sub rotation on every boss I tank except Sarth+3 kills or Malygos25, just because I take so little damage already that I don't care if I get hit a bit more often. Oh, and I wouldn't use it on Loatheb10 because it is hilarious to block 100% of her physical damage and take so little damage over the course of the kill that I could go with zero heals.
I'm sure things will be different in Ulduar though, and then it'll be back to 969 for me unless off-tanking.
More choices = fun though. Its one reason I like pally tanking already. Tanking whelps/blazes on our first heroic sarth+3 kill last week and tanking the 3 drakes tonight on a whole bunch of near-kills in 10 man was the most fun I've had in a long time, so here's looking forward to hard modes in Ulduar.
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...