03-17-2009, 06:09 AM
I'm not too worried. They haven't screwed over ret yet, despite all of the whining and crying every time they made a major change in preparation and after wrath of the lich king, and they have stated they don't intend to, even providing an answer to how they might tweak ret to make sure they can still kick ass if their mana is running dry too fast in 3.1.
I haven't noticed an analysis yet, but assuming mana isn't a limitation, will exorcism become part of the standard ret rotation?
It generally won't for prot, on progression bosses at least, except when off-tanking, but some analysis shows that punching exorcism every cooldown is a massive threat increase for prot, despite it meaning a reduction in holy shield uptime, so I imagine we'll have a fun toy to mix in on farm encounters or when off-tanking.
I haven't noticed an analysis yet, but assuming mana isn't a limitation, will exorcism become part of the standard ret rotation?
It generally won't for prot, on progression bosses at least, except when off-tanking, but some analysis shows that punching exorcism every cooldown is a massive threat increase for prot, despite it meaning a reduction in holy shield uptime, so I imagine we'll have a fun toy to mix in on farm encounters or when off-tanking.
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...