03-15-2009, 12:41 PM
Saw the episode a moment ago and my first impression is that Stewart must have been a journalism professor at some point. Second impression is that Cramer was truly nervous. The waver voice, his eyes averting, the nervous tick of his neck to the left. It seemed obvious to my wife & I that Cramer is not a man, despite his antics and high drama on TV, used to or comfortable with confrontation. The body language was so damning that even if he would have come back at Stewart with some good retorts he still would have lost the PR war. You're absolutely right, Hammerskjold, Cramer did the mea culpa thing a bit too much, and that combined with the body language reminded us of a 'tween' being scolded.
Some of the zingers Stewart had are still giving me pause,
Some of the zingers Stewart had are still giving me pause,
Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.