03-04-2009, 09:25 PM
Please, spare my old, tired eyes. Save 'color' for signatures.:)
If 'healing' is fixing what's broken, then anti-depressants and pain medications are every bit as much healing drugs as are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral. And, in my experience, more so than anti-rejection.
The often made argument that anti-depressant and other mood altering drugs are over-prescribed and thus somehow unimportant is both partially true (they are over-prescribed) and vacuous. One of the great modern medical problems is drug resistant bacteria. A contributing cause of this problem is the over prescription of antibiotics for non-bacterial illnesses. And, yet, few would claim that antibiotics are somehow unimportant because they've been overly and wrongly prescribed.
A whole bunch of this discussion reminds me of the Committees on Patty's Pig. The Bacon Committee claims the bacon *is* the pig but the Pork Chop Committee responds that since the bacon isn't the whole pig, then there is no bacon. One errs by being too inclusive, the other too exclusive. Medicine is not *just* about healing or *just* about improving life. These things are not mutually exclusive. Nor are they exhaustive. Quit emulating the brain dead cable news political pundits who see only black and white and wake to the realization that, not only are there grays, there is a whole spectrum of colors.
Please, spare my old, tired eyes. Save 'color' for signatures.:)
Quote:Sex is not necessary for our survival, . . .As an individual, no. As a species, yes. And the imperative to reproduce is as strong, sometimes stronger, than the imperative to live.
Quote:. . . there are some drugs people take simply to "feel better" and not so much to heal.That's an antiquated notion. It's based on the primitive idea that somehow the body and the mind (*not* the brain) are two separate entities. That there is a 'physical' body and a 'spiritual' being (and, according to some, that they are in conflict). Modern informed opinion is that there is but one physical entity, including the brain which appears to be the seat of the mind. If a person has pneumonia, then the person is sick, not just the lungs. If a person has depression, again, it is the person who is sick, not just the mind.
If 'healing' is fixing what's broken, then anti-depressants and pain medications are every bit as much healing drugs as are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral. And, in my experience, more so than anti-rejection.
The often made argument that anti-depressant and other mood altering drugs are over-prescribed and thus somehow unimportant is both partially true (they are over-prescribed) and vacuous. One of the great modern medical problems is drug resistant bacteria. A contributing cause of this problem is the over prescription of antibiotics for non-bacterial illnesses. And, yet, few would claim that antibiotics are somehow unimportant because they've been overly and wrongly prescribed.
Quote:. . . Lisa's how her . . .Wrong gender.
A whole bunch of this discussion reminds me of the Committees on Patty's Pig. The Bacon Committee claims the bacon *is* the pig but the Pork Chop Committee responds that since the bacon isn't the whole pig, then there is no bacon. One errs by being too inclusive, the other too exclusive. Medicine is not *just* about healing or *just* about improving life. These things are not mutually exclusive. Nor are they exhaustive. Quit emulating the brain dead cable news political pundits who see only black and white and wake to the realization that, not only are there grays, there is a whole spectrum of colors.
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?