Nice to see O'Bama working on getting rid of midnight Bush rules

Quote:. . . as far as i'm concerned if someone wishes to become a doctor and they have certain moral or religious views that limit their ability to practice some medicine then they should find jobs that fit those circumstances.
Let us look at some examples, shall we?

A person who is anti-abortion gets his medical degree years before Roe vs. Wade. When that decision comes down should he: quit the medical profession?; move to a country where abortion is still illegal?; perform abortions against his conscience?; continue to practice medicine as he has?
Is everything legal mandatory?

A doctor practicing in Oregon a few years ago (or in Washington this past year) is against suicide. What would you have him do when the euthanasia laws were passed? Similar to the above case, except now what you seem to think he should be forced to do in Washington or Oregon will get him a jail sentence in the other forty eight states.
Is everything legal mandatory?

A practicing catholic gets his degree at a catholic university, works at a catholic hospital. He believes that abortion and euthanasia are wrong. These are the morals instilled in him throughout his life even into medical school. These are the principles and policies of the hospital at which he works. What would you have? The abolition of religion based schools and hospitals? The elimination of personal beliefs in doctors?
Is everything legal mandatory?

I think you paint with too broad a brush. If a doctor takes a job at a hospital where abortions are performed and he does anything to interfere between a patient and another doctor who have agree on an abortion, then he is wrong. He should be disciplined, even fired and forced to find employment somewhere that is more in line with his beliefs. But to say he should quit medicine because he refuses to perform procedures that are against his conscience? That I think is too extreme.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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Nice to see O'Bama working on getting rid of midnight Bush rules - by --Pete - 03-03-2009, 07:38 PM

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