02-27-2009, 07:58 PM
Quote:If you know you won't need kings in the build, where would you put those extra 5 points? I realize threat isn't a big deal but would reckoning be where you would drop them? Or would conviction or seals of the pure work out better? Just curious on that, especially since it's my understanding that a blocked attack, full or partial, appears to be able to trigger reckoning as well.Well, you wouldn't get all 5 points just by dropping Kings. You need 3 of those points to climb up to the higher tiers on Prot. Reckoning would work, but it's generally a poor choice. Vengeance/Corruption get little to nothing out of it, so all you end up with are some no-extra-threat white hits. Reckoning is better with different seals, but tanking with Reckoning + Seal of Righteousness is still far worse than Vengeance/Corruption without reckoning. If you want it for solo power, you may want to use Glyph of Seal of Vengeance (also works for Corruption) to help counter parry gibbing.
@Morde: Of course it's your spec. I aped it from you. :shuriken: I really tried hard to put my own spin on it, but it really is nearly perfect. Seals of the Pure is the only thing I'd like to get, but it isn't worth giving up what I have for it, so really all I'm saying is I'd like more talent points. On that note, we get them next patch. Two talents go from 5 ranks to 3, so by taking the new Tier 1 talent instead of Kings (now trainable), you'll get the same things with 54 instead of 58 points. I'll probably get Divine Guardian. In current content, I can think of 2 of the more difficult fights where the MT can Divine Shield safely during periods of massive raid damage. Malygos' vortex, and Sapphiron's air phase.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight