Dual Spec Feature to cost 1k gold currently
Quote:This is the strategy that fairly often got me killed.


This is why I never do that quest. The abilities and their repercussions are completely unintuitive. It took me 100g+ in repairs before I was told that using the Dodge ability would reduce my grip a good bit. Up until that point I had just assumed I was doing it wrong and getting hit.

I also find it utterly ridiculous when people recommend grabbing a rep reward cloak or stocking up on food just to be able to do a daily quest. The fact that people so commonly refer to these items in regards to this quest just reinforces to me that the quest is misbalanced.

This game has done so very well in regards to offering players new abilities and then giving them arenas which they can safely practice those abilities without being overwhelmed. Vehicles, in general, are an absolute failure in regards to that design philosophy and this quest in particular is the worst violator. Malygos has the corresponding quest Aces High to play around and get a feel for the vehicle in a "safe" environment. The SoH quest, however, punishes you for trying to learn with either huge repair bills or requiring you to purchase tons of consumables.

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Dual Spec Feature to cost 1k gold currently - by Chesspiece_face - 02-25-2009, 01:56 AM

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