06-23-2003, 07:41 AM
wonkothesane,Jun 22 2003, 11:05 PM Wrote:She probably won't be the fastest leveler in the beginning,Well, I sorta agree. I think a Fire Blast asn is the fastest leveler in the beginning. No, the CB sorc is probably only the second fastest. :P
Level 30 skills like FO or Hydra don't even exist in the beginning, unless you define 'beginning' way differently than me. And I seriously DO think that CB or Fire Blast is the best skill to dominate Normal difficulty with.
Likewise, CB sorcies are already very good, thanks to LM, which already is basically just a very good synergy bonus (and IS boosted with +skills items). So I don't think that CB is going to gain much, if anything, from new synergy bonuses. But we'll see.
- Dagni