02-06-2009, 02:20 PM
Quote:Ladies and gentlemen, I present the rapture. For when we log in, we shall be taken up into paradise, and delivered unto the bosom of the Lord. And He shalt nerf the SA and BoS (and possibly retribution DPS) TO THE GROUND.
Did you notice they didn't say what that 5 point talent will be replaced with?
It also means they are designing everything with the idea that everyone has 10% more stats now. That doesn't matter too much I don't think, but that is what it means.
Of course I'm happy about the change. Feeling I had to spend 5 points no matter what spec I was, to get that talent kinda sucked. Of course the assumption that I would be the only paladin in the 10 man was incorrect nearly every time in our paladin crazy guild. But I do prepare myself to be able to tank, heal, or DPS whatever content we are working on and I've succeeded as far as Naxx and Sarth are concerned. I'm not quite up to Malygos standards for tanking yet. Of course tank gear is my 3rd set right now even though I was a jerk and took a helm that I should have let another pally have because I admit I got loot blinded. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.