11-07-2008, 07:54 PM
Quote:Forum Rules - The Lurker Lounge
Read them guys, and while the exact descriptions under the two rules I'm about to invoke aren't specifically applicable, they certainly do seem to common-sense apply:
<span style="color:#FF9900">Keep on topic.
<span style="color:#FF9900">Avoid hotbutton issues.
The OP posted a bit of humor and we're now far off-topic covering flamebait.
If you have some respect for those who abide by the etiquette here, please take it to whispers or stuff a sock in it.
~Frag B)
I'm not too sure too what you are reffering, because I have been following this topic and all it's threads with mild interest and haven't seen anything I'd mistake for a "flame" quite yet. Yeah, the possibility is there if someone will reach out and take it, but I feel most of us here are too civil to take that bait. Perhaps a missed a thread, but even if so, shouldn't those people who infringed be warned in a private PM?
As for the staying on topic...:lol:. No, but seriously, isin't that what threaded view is for? I honestly don't recall a single one of my topics staying on topic once, and to be honest, I find it quite interesting to see where the conversations go, what drives other peoples interest. Besides, if people want to reply to that particular subject, the threaded view allows them too (for the most part - Bolty could stand to upgrade the software...).
Just my 2-cents, whatever that's worth nowadays.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin