Was thinking about trying ret, curious about my gear.
I'm really happy with the damage that I'm doing as a ret pally. Even after the nerfs, I'm having fun. I'm hoping that as I get more comfortable as ret, I can make the changes to boost my damage a little more. I was very happy with my damage in the 7/9 bt we did on tuesday.

I was able to blow all my mana on Gorefiend, and my DPS suffered for it. with about 15% to go, I was OOM from my rotation (I was using everything I could). the last 30-45 seconds was wait for mana, judge wisdom, and then Hammer. I'm not sure if that was the right thing to do, but it was worth a shot.
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Messages In This Thread
Was thinking about trying ret, curious about my gear. - by shoju - 11-06-2008, 05:20 PM

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