Was thinking about trying ret, curious about my gear.
Here's our WWS parse for 9/9 BT + Archimonde, for anyone interested in retribution throughput post-nerfs.

We had a couple of alt ret paladins in for a while (Bigspoon is Teeth's alt and Zarialda is Zarianna's alt), but I was spec'd ret for once and had the best gear.

I'm sure I could have done more if I raided regularly as retribution and was more experienced at managing my mana. I ended too many boss fights with half a mana pool or more, meaning I could have dumped more into consecrate as the fight went on, or into exorcism for demon bosses.

My gear is a mix of tier 6, tier 5 (no set pieces), and a few badge/heroic pieces. Whatever I could pick up as off-spec when no main specs needed it, basically.

I judged light, to maximize the healing the raid would get from it (it scales with the AP of the one that judges it, I believe), so might have gotten more mana back if someone else had judged light.

EDIT-Added the link. /facepalm
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Messages In This Thread
Was thinking about trying ret, curious about my gear. - by Mordekhuul - 11-06-2008, 03:42 PM

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