Things I didn't notice in the patch notes
Quote:All the druid/mage/priest buff books are trainable now.
Clams stack (before you open them)

Any other stuff you've noticed? (I've got a couple more, as soon as I remember them.)

people can correct me if this stuff was in fact in the notes, but I didn't notice them when i looked through:

- Rays for the Wrangle More Rays daily are back to 30% required to wrangle as opposed to 40%.

and more a bug:

- the priest glyph Power Word: Shield does not work (last i checked) on self, and possibly not on others as well. Tested by letting a mob beat on me a bit then shielded while the mob continued to beat on me. Absolutely no healing done at all, not per hit and not when the shield broke.

Messages In This Thread
Things I didn't notice in the patch notes - by Chesspiece_face - 10-19-2008, 09:45 PM

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