10-29-2008, 01:27 PM
Quote:Is it really the main chunk? Or are people just assuming that because of the vocal people on the forums? Loud and obnoxious they may be, they hardly define the player base because they actually read the forums, and further they rant on them. They honestly tell us nothing about what most people think.
That is, unless you actually believe Ret was fine before the nerf and never has a chance to be viable again?
I guess that depends on how you look at it, then. Everywhere I went (and I was touring around Azeroth/Outlands over the last week) I heard negative commentary from folks in the public server channels. Every zone, folks are complaining about it. When it started, it wasn't too bad, and it was about 50/50 to folks complaining vs. folks enjoying. By the end, it was almost impossible to find someone who was enjoying the event.
And this was on both servers.
Now, I guess one could again say that the public channels again constitute a minority of players, but still. From what I saw, a pretty decent chunk of folks were unhappy with the 2 minutes and lower phases of the event. Was it everyone? No, of course. I know that I myself remained pretty indifferent to it, so that's at least one person who isn't in the 'didn't like it' camp.
I still have to think that such a vocal and generally negative reaction has given Blizz some pause, minority or not.
~Not all who wander are lost...~