Was thinking about trying ret, curious about my gear.
Quote:I have done the baron as prot, but I have never tried it as ret. I will have to try that out.

I was doing almost full clears though, mainly because I had done next to nothing with the argent dawn, and I was trying to hit exalted.

I will try it as ret, and see how it works out.

I'm having a blast as ret, and if the guild maintains a good flow of tanks, I will probably stay ret for at least a little bit.

I think the straight Barron run, skipping whatever you can, is probably the fastest route to exaltd anyway. The bosses give the most rep, so wasting time on trash isn't good, when you can just kill the Barron, including a ride to Light's Hope and back, in about 25 minutes. Give it a shot. I'm only just into Honored, so you are probably ahead of me by now =)
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Messages In This Thread
Was thinking about trying ret, curious about my gear. - by Mordekhuul - 10-24-2008, 05:05 PM

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