Was thinking about trying ret, curious about my gear.
I spec'd ret for the first time since 3.0.2 last night to speed up my Strat runs a bit and do some PVP (still ret on the armory, at the moment).

It sped up my solo Barron runs pretty significantly. I recommend doing a few, for grins, if not for profit.

In my case, Myndle being a blood elf (obviously), my Argent Dawn rep is quite low.

A Barron run, killing the bare minimum (only things I can't skip) nets 550 AD rep, 4 stacks of runecloth, about 20 gold worth of items to vendor, 5-6 corruptor's scourgestones, and 15-20 invader's scourgestones. I'm saving the scourgestones until I hit revered, and saving the runecloth for use topping off my Horde faction rep later.

It takes 17 minutes for me to get to the Barron and kill him. Add in the time it takes to go to and from Light's Hope Chapel before/after each run to sell items and mail off the runecloth, and the round trip is about 25 minutes.

I run Seal of Righteousness, for once, just because things don't live long enough to put full stacks of corruption up on them and see them do much, and SoB ends up knocking my life down just a bit too much (generally tossing an instant FoL as I move to the next group tops me, but sometimes not), and I switch to SoCommand for the Barron (not that it matters much).
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...

Messages In This Thread
Was thinking about trying ret, curious about my gear. - by Mordekhuul - 10-24-2008, 02:08 PM

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