Oct 7 News
No punches pulled here. Right off the bat, a hot topic...unless you are wearing Fire Resist gear. Several folks are of the mind that resist-based fights need to go the way of the Dodo. This topic heats up quite a bit, and Ghostcrawler even weighs in on it. It's an argument as old as Molten Core. What IS the point of the "X Resist" fight, anyhow? The Dev's see it as a kind of pacing mechanism and way to change the instance/fights up. Most players see them as a PITA and more lost bank space to whatever "Resist du jour" is on the plate. What do you think?
Lady Sylvanas has FINALLY gotten a unique character model, and it's a real doozy. It's been available for checking out in several formats recently, but she now looks every inch like the Queen of the Forsaken.
I've heard a lot of speculation about what healing will be like in WotLK. What class will be superior, what class will suck. How will no more down ranking effect and change healing? Matt Low writes up a very nice article about his experiences as a priest in the beta. It's a long read, but of particular interest if you are a priest, or play a priest alt a lot.
Kalgan hits the Beta boards, and speaks out on PvP, where it's at, the philosophy behind the current incarnation of it, and where Blizzard sees it going.
Bornakk let's us know that the Raid Mobs of TBC are going to do their part come Patch 3.0.2 and take it a bit easier on the players. Several will stop using their OP abilities, and they all consented to a roughly 30% HP reduction. Quite sporting of them, I say. Though, this is a rather impressive change on Blizzard's part. 3.0.2 will introduce huge changes across the board, and would have a huge effect on raiding in general. It's nice to see them recognize this, and go back to look at tuning things so that you can continue to do them until we are distracted by Northrend, or get the itch to steamroll an instance at 80.
No punches pulled here. Right off the bat, a hot topic...unless you are wearing Fire Resist gear. Several folks are of the mind that resist-based fights need to go the way of the Dodo. This topic heats up quite a bit, and Ghostcrawler even weighs in on it. It's an argument as old as Molten Core. What IS the point of the "X Resist" fight, anyhow? The Dev's see it as a kind of pacing mechanism and way to change the instance/fights up. Most players see them as a PITA and more lost bank space to whatever "Resist du jour" is on the plate. What do you think?
Lady Sylvanas has FINALLY gotten a unique character model, and it's a real doozy. It's been available for checking out in several formats recently, but she now looks every inch like the Queen of the Forsaken.
I've heard a lot of speculation about what healing will be like in WotLK. What class will be superior, what class will suck. How will no more down ranking effect and change healing? Matt Low writes up a very nice article about his experiences as a priest in the beta. It's a long read, but of particular interest if you are a priest, or play a priest alt a lot.
Kalgan hits the Beta boards, and speaks out on PvP, where it's at, the philosophy behind the current incarnation of it, and where Blizzard sees it going.
Bornakk let's us know that the Raid Mobs of TBC are going to do their part come Patch 3.0.2 and take it a bit easier on the players. Several will stop using their OP abilities, and they all consented to a roughly 30% HP reduction. Quite sporting of them, I say. Though, this is a rather impressive change on Blizzard's part. 3.0.2 will introduce huge changes across the board, and would have a huge effect on raiding in general. It's nice to see them recognize this, and go back to look at tuning things so that you can continue to do them until we are distracted by Northrend, or get the itch to steamroll an instance at 80.
~Not all who wander are lost...~