Rats, drat and assorted expletives deleted
Try a multishot, lightning enchanted, cold enchanted, conviction aura enchanted, extra strong, extra fast, cursed, stone skin horadrim ancient, next to a multishot, lightning enchanted, cold enchanted, fanatacism aura enchanted, extra strong, extra fast, fire enchanted, spectral hit horadrim ancient. (They can ressurect each other) Or two of those as sextons or cantors or which ever ones heal others... they can heal each other. :) And tack on a few different immunities to both in each of those scenarios...

//Edit: In Hell. Imagine corpse recovery then... Also, with the Horadrim Ancients, they have lots of skeletons at their command, blocking the path to them...

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Rats, drat and assorted expletives deleted - by Obi2Kenobi - 06-20-2003, 05:44 PM

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