Alabama Plans to Tax Fat Employees to Recoup Insurance Costs
The problem I have with this is that the BMI is a bunch of BS.

I went to google, picked the first BMI calculator site I got and plugged in my information. 5'7" and 255lbs. It coughed back a BMI of 39.9. The other 2 sites I chose randomly came back with the same number. That is considered "Morbidly Obese" for the curious.

And yet, my doctor has not a single worry about my weight (though I could lay off the soda...). I am a very solid mass of mostly muscle. My doctor himself figures I could probably stand to lose about 10 lbs, but he says it's hardly a worry.

I've been exercising quite a bit more lately, and actually saw a weight increase (used to be 250). But still according to Alabama's new law...I'm going to be charged $25 because of this? Or will they take my doctor's word that I'm probably in better shape than the pencil pusher charging me, despite me being "Morbidly Obese"...
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Alabama Plans to Tax Fat Employees to Recoup Insurance Costs - by Mirajj - 09-04-2008, 02:14 AM

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