Comparison of McCain's and Obama's Healthcare Plans

Quote:Here is a good article on the subject in regards to illegals in the US (and their children who burden the system):

Obama and McCain don't confront them realistically because doing so would be unpopular and there's no strong public case for action.
That's the fundamental problem of a republic, especially a republic that, like the USA, has a large percentage of uneducated and ignorant voters. The politicians that are willing to tell the truth (e.g., H. Ross Perot) cannot get elected. The politicians who do get elected can only do so by distorting the truth. If after being elected, they then go on to try to solve the real problems, they get crucified by their parties, by the medial, and by the <strike>sheep</strike> voters.

But, if you really want to see a massacre, think of what would happen to anyone who would propose a test for voting (much less a 'payment' for citizenship). Kennedy's request that we put the country first was heeded for all of a week or so before massive selfishness re-asserted itself.


People get the government they deserve.

Democracy is that form of government where opinions are counted and not weighed.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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Comparison of McCain's and Obama's Healthcare Plans - by --Pete - 09-03-2008, 09:42 PM

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