Comparison of McCain's and Obama's Healthcare Plans
Quote:Comparing The Plans
McCain: He would replace the current tax-free status of health insurance coverage provided by employers with refundable tax credits worth $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families to help purchase insurance. McCain would allow the sale of insurance policies across state lines, rather than state by state, as is currently the case.

Obama: He would create a new plan for those who lack other access to coverage, as well as a National Health Insurance Exchange to help pool the purchasing power of small businesses and individuals. Obama would also offer a combination of subsidies and tax credits to help make coverage more affordable. He would mandate health insurance coverage for children, but not adults. Obama would create a federally sponsored health insurance plan, similar to Medicare, that would compete with private plans for those under age 65.

Obama has a lot of ideas, but no solid plan (his "plan" is to create a "plan") for doing what he says he wants to do. Obama has a LOT of ideas... While I do agree with his move to give all children health coverage, I think this may has a side-effect on the taxes we pay, and may hurt the middle-class at a time where Obama is talking about helping the middle class. McCain's laid out plan is quite clear, and while I don't 100% think its the best solution, it is one that will work at helping lower-income families get health coverage, and may even be incentive for business which don't offer health coverage to start carrying it.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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Comparison of McCain's and Obama's Healthcare Plans - by Taem - 08-30-2008, 09:25 PM

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