Michael Phelps.... Deserving of the hype?
Quote:One does not necessarily follow the other in logic or in my experience in track and cross country events. I say this coming from the experience of having a 1km runner smoke me in the 100m and vice versa.

I'm sorry, I was to quick to write this down.

What I mean is that in a balanced competition (at world level) a 100m runner can never win a 1000m run. The physical build just doesnot allow this. I am not saying a 1000m runner cannot run a sub 10.50 100m, but the top he could never reach.

BTw I like sports that everybody can play, that's why athletics and football for me are in a league of there own. Swimming is in the league just behind that for me (still being among the most serious sports). Dressage is all the way at the end. <_<
That saying Michael Phelps results are more impressive than Mark Spitz' a whole lot more people are swimming a this moment then before.

Another great thing about soccer is that it doesn't require a special build to be successful....whereas if you want to become a marathon runner and are not born in Ethiopia or Kenya you can just as well not even try. :D

Still this is all about people that find it normal to put there whole life in service of doing something on TV for an (often very small) audience, and we all pay for it.
(sorry I am getting subject tired and usually I get sarcastic then)

Just for info (I stumbled upon this today in a online newspaper)

everybody loves a conspiracy theory.

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Michael Phelps.... Deserving of the hype? - by eppie - 08-20-2008, 05:33 AM

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