08-14-2008, 01:36 PM
Quote:The only problem I see with this is that they need a similar system in place for alts that doesn't require you to dual-box. Something lesser, like 50% faster leveling after you have one 70.
The leveling process doesn't seem so slow and boring the first time you do it. Or even the second time for that matter. All of the quests and zones are new, and you're still learning to play the game.
But when you've been playing WoW for 3 years, and you can hop on your buddy's character and learn to play the class decently well AT 70... the process of leveling is just boring. You don't need that extended period to learn the game anymore.
I've been wanting to roll a few alts for a while now to gear up for arena... but every time I make an attempt, boredom prevails over my willpower.
Not to mention rolling the same class on a different server or faction--I love my druid (alliance) and my priest (horde), but if I want to play either with a friend on the opposite faction it takes days of my time. There's been a bit of complaint on the forums about how RAF rewards new accounts while Blizzard has failed to do anything (ala City of Heroes) to reward long time accounts or account holders.
Alternately, Blizzard could just allow cross-server & cross-faction guilds and instancing. Yeah, I'm not holding my breath.;)