07-06-2008, 08:33 PM
Of course, I reserve the right to use a Louisville slugger when discussing patriotism with those jackasses. But only, as the old joke goes, to get their attention.
Quote:1) Fred Phelps . . . has webpages dedicated to talking about . . . how he hopes that god will destroy the U.S.The 'and his agents' makes all the difference. As long as it's left in god's hands, it is religious speech and protected as such. Once it crosses the line to human agents, then it becomes activity, and may or may not be protected depending on what it specifically is. Prayer meetings, rallies, etc., are OK. Shootings and bombings are not.
. . . if an islamic puts up a webpage dedicated to talking about how allah, and his agents, will cause the destruction of the U.S., isn't he considered a terrorist?
Of course, I reserve the right to use a Louisville slugger when discussing patriotism with those jackasses. But only, as the old joke goes, to get their attention.
Quote:2) If pro-troop rallyers say they're demonstrating in support of keeping our people alive, then why do they demonstrate in favor of an situations where our people are dying?Because they supported the war when it started, and, like Shrub, are too infantile to admit they made a mistake. It must be terrible to have one's balls held on by silly putty, but about half the nation suffers from that defect.
Quote:3) Is there really anything wrong with a demonstration demanding that the mandates of American law be applied? There was a protest here calling for the following of the U.S. Sup. Crt.'s decision regarding habeas actions for detainees. The county sheriff's office appeared and well, that was the end of that.You don't give enough details. Where was the demonstration and how were they demonstrating? ". . . the right of the people peaceably to assemble . . ." has been interpreted by the courts to include the need to get permits if the demonstration is on public land. However, given the scarlet necks of the Florida cops I've known, I'd rather depend on the second than on the first amendment to get justice there.
Quote:4) I've often wondered if hate mongers, fear mongers, etc. have ever considered the possibility that eventually somebody will take their position farther. And, that once that person takes the position further, suddenly the originator has a problem.I have no idea what you mean by this.
Quote:5) I wonder what would happen if one day a lightning bolt set fire to Fred's church?The fire department would put it out. Oh, and ignorant, superstitious people might even take it as an omen. But of what?
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?