06-25-2008, 10:42 PM
Quote:I totally get the economic model of the MMO, and the online content management aspect of it as well. I think there is a happy medium somewhere between Guildwars and your typical MMO though. I don't mind the monthly fee, and an automated (forced) download of client side updates. I am an avid MMO guy, I've (sic)literally played them all, and I think that is why I really hope to see the D2 concept of "the whole world is an instance" being pushed forward.I understand your desire to do your own thing. I've arranged my chat options so the "stupid" channels are essentially squelched unless I need to use them. The main chat channel I look at is one populated with like minded intelligent non-trolls. Other than that, hopefully Blizzard continues with the PVP as an option route rather than a PVP only world. There are sometimes you just want to go from point A to point B without getting ganked and corpse camped. When moving around town all the other toons are no issue, only when competing for limited essential resources does the MMO world truly sucketh.
Let me and my guildmates have a chat channel, then let us start 1 or more instances of the game that suit us for that night. Not being forced to interact with everyone else in the MMO sense is what I'm looking for here.