06-18-2008, 09:25 PM
Quote:Mounts at 30?! Yes, itâs true: Apprentice Riding and mounts are now available at level 30. Training costs 35 gold.I can imagine all the crying that the community (read, mouth-breathers on the official forums) will be sobbing about, but I for one appreciate this. Having decided to level up a few lower level characters (I'm terrible, I had never levelled anything bar my main over 25 until this week. In two years.) I'm once again reminded of how goddamned terrible all that running around is. The sub-50 zones have some of the longest runs still in the damn game, and just being able to cross Ashenvale or (shudder) Desolace in less time is a tremendous benefit.
Then again, the nearest character I have to 30 is a druid, who would have gotten her 40% speed increase at 30 regardless:PWell, this might give me an excuse to level my mage some...
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.
BattleTag: Schrau#2386
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.
BattleTag: Schrau#2386