Quote:The consensus among whom? Euortrash? In 2000, you didn't know what a neocon was.
If you choose to play "Politics for Idiots" I recommend you get a helmet.
I can't tell you how stupid that statement is. You seem to associate "Christianity" with "a core American voting bloc." Try this statement: used a predominantly Christian voting block for political advantage. Same as Bobby Kennedy trying to use the Black vote in 1968. Politics as usual.
Christianity will be around a long time after the neocons have buried themselves deep in the political scrapyard, along with the Marxists, and a few other political movements.
Do us all a favor, before you reach voting age: go play in the Autobahn at rush hour.
My God, are you really ignorant, or are you just for fun trying to not understand my post?.
The world is bigger than the USA, when I say hijacked christianity I don't mean the whole religion, I mean creating an atmosphere in which you connect being a good christian and patriot with voting for a certain party/candidate. (The US doesn't even officially exist...it is not in the bible at least):)
And as a reply to Kandrathe : I am not sure that statistic takes into account the grade of religious, in many western countries people that are asked say they are religious even if they never go to church, or behave in way the bible tells them. I am talking about the more fanatic ones. And before getting into a discussion about fanaticness. I think the Bush administration succesfully pulled 10% (maybe more) of voters to the GOP because of their religious and patriotic claims.
Back to Occhi: O and for the swearing; I dn't know who you want to impress but I am dutch and not like you from texas (you know where it is allright to keep women and children prisoner to procreate (because it is religion) but where every half swear on TV is beeped away), so if you want to make a statement through swearing you have to come up with more than that.
However, I suggest you stop behaving like this and look at your signature before posting again.